Attention "Class of 2021"
If you attend one of these schools:
Bald Eagle Area - Bellefonte - Bellwood - West Branch
Click here to access your gallery. An access code was provided to you on picture day, please contact us if you lost it.
Click here to view our package pricing for a full, Senior Experience session.
Check out our work!
Studio and Office Information
Studio hours are by appointment only and our office is available by phone from 9AM to 5PM Monday through Friday.
Phone 814-686-7834 - we have a 24 hour voice attendant so feel free to call anytime.
Our studio is located at 560 Oak Lane, Tyrone PA 16686
Please Note: If you are driving to our studio please note we are located in TIPTON in a residential area. From the light by Rossi's Exxon, turn to go out the back road. One mile past the railroad crossing, turn left onto Oak Lane and our studio is the red building 1/2 way down the lane on the right (you can't miss it!).
Reach us by email ANYTIME at